Low Vision Support Group Meeting Monday 4 November

If you are struggling with your vision join our Low Vision Support Group. Meetings are at Summerset Village (Mansell Drive, Warkworth). If you, or a friend or family member, are struggling with vision please come along. People with glaucoma and macular degeneration are also welcome.

Our next meeting is 1.30pm Monday 4 November. We will have a demonstration of electronic magnifiers by Nashish from Humanware. These powerful magnifiers solve some of the frustrations of traditional magnifying lenses. Usually there is a trade off between the enlargement and the field of view - when the print is large enough to read you can only see one word at time. Electronic magnifiers solve this and many people love both the portable devices, as well as the larger screen magnifiers.

For more information you can call us, or just come along.

Making things easier to see

Poor lighting and small print can be a challenge, even with the best glasses prescription. This is especially true for people with vision impairment. 


Let us share two helpful solutions. The Daylight Halo magnifier light (see above) is brilliant for fine work / craft. We have one in our workshop which is in daily use for fine repairs on glasses.  If reading is a struggle the magnifying ruler is the perfect tool. We have many other magnifiers, come in and see our selection.