ADHB Greenlane Eye Clinic Referral Process for Cataracts

Here is some information on the referral process for outpatient appointments at the Greenlane Eye Clinic. This eye clinic is a free service provided by our District Health Board (DHB).



The most common reason we refer people to the Eye Clinic is cataracts. Cataracts are clouding of the lens inside the eye, which reduces vision. The treatment is a surgical procedure, performed under local anaesthetic, to remove the clouded lens, replacing it with an implant. This is usually a highly effective procedure which fully restores vision. No surgery is without risk and this is a consideration when treatment should be undertaken.

Clinical Prioritization Scores

In order to prioritize who gets cataract surgery each year, optometrists and ophthalmologists use a clinical scoring tool. We enter your vision, as recorded at your appointment which is the size of the letters you could read on the chart with the best prescription lenses in place. Also included are details of the examination of your eyes and cataracts.

The final part is your ‘Patient Impact on Life Questionnaire’. With this questionnaire they grade the degree of difficulty your blurred vision is causing you, put another way, it describes how blurred vision may be limiting your life.

Once these details are entered the tool calculates a score. For Auckland DHB the magical number of 48 and above means the referral will be accepted and you can expect to receive an appointment within 16 weeks. Northland DHB has a threshold score of 54.

In our experience this system seems to work, and people we see who are struggling with their vision due to cataracts do in fact get an appointment and go on to have cataract surgery.

Cataracts in both eyes - will both eyes be treated?

Most often cataracts do effect both eyes, although commonly the vision will be worse in one eye. The usual process is to treat the first eye and review. For many people the effect is a significant improvement to their vision, and often the second eye is not treated. Why have a second surgery when you will not notice any difference? This situation is assessed on a case by case basis.

If you have a concerns about cataracts, book to see us.

Book an Appointment Online

or call us on 09 425 9646