Subsidy for Children’s Glasses

Subsidy for Glasses for Children 15 Years & Under

There is government funding for eye tests and glasses for children. Provided through Enable NZ, the subsidy* will cover the full cost of an eye examination for children 15 years and under.

*To be eligible families must have a current Community Service Card, or High Health User Card.

The subsidy also extends to prescription glasses, if needed.

Currently most Kiwi children are screened for lazy eyes at 4 years of age, through the B4 School Check. This check is not as in depth as our eye exam but it will identify some vision problems. The next screening check for children's vision is at school in Year 7, for children about 11 years of age.

Talk to us if you have any concerns or questions about your child's eyes and vision, or book online here to see Claire or Sally. Contact us on 09 425 9646
