Migraine Aura

We routinely see people who are distressed by sudden changes in their vision, often out of the blue. Their vision develops blind spots, blurred patches or seeing black and white zig zag patterns, often in an arc shape. Scintillations, kaleidescopic or prismatic effects are also common symptoms.

These symptoms are commonly attributed to a visual migraine aura, thankfully most of these symptoms will completely resolve within an hour.

Either a headache will follow or there will be some milder feelings of being ‘washed out’. The vision changes will make you feel like taking a break, so feel free to rest or have a cup of tea to soothe the nerves.

When we examine the inside of the eye, everything usually appears healthy and normal. We can conclude that these effects are not caused by a problem with your eye.

For a more detailed description on how migraine auras occur, feel free to click this safe link for further information. https://migrainecanada.org/